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B.P.R. Therapy, Mediation & Coaching Services P. L. L. C.
Your Anti-Racist & Certified Trauma-Informed Professional

Mental Health Consulting is for companies and organizations looking to address mental health concerns in their workplace. Mental Health in the workplace is a severely unaddressed public health issue. The importance of mental health in the workplace has been severely under-appreciated and in recent years has been realized particularly during the pandemic. Companies such as Netflix and Goggle has incorporated mental health professionals positions to address such issues. Mental Health Consulting focuses on the severity of mental health in the workplace or trauma and seeks to educate and prevent trauma in order to optimize performance, functionality and overall happiness.
Trauma-Informed, Anti-Racist, Multicultural & Social Justice Infused Services
All services are trauma, multicultural and social justice informed. Services are trauma-informed which means cultivating a relationship built on trust and compassion based on not what is wrong with you but understanding your experience and what happened to you. Reasonable accommodations are highly likely to be permitted upon request. Furthermore, each service is integrated with education on the effects, prevention, and recovery of trauma. Only therapy services include the treatment of trauma. Multicultural and social justice informed means that biases (which we all have) that discriminates against a person's age (ageism), gender (sexism and heterosexism), race (racism), religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status (classism) or disability (ableism and disablism), xenophobia, fatphobia, antisemitism, and imperialism will be discussed openly and directly in hopes to ensure fairness and equality, increase awareness, strengthen relationships and enhance services. Learn more about your biases by taking the Implicit Bias Test (IAT). Dr. Range is an anti-racist practitioner and activist which means actively opposing racism, combating micro-aggressions and systemic racism and promoting equality. The invisibility of whiteness is intricate in being anti-racist. Claiming to be not racist is insufficient. De-colonizing and colonialism is also important part of anti-racism. Services are culturally sensitive (considerate and welcoming of the client's and other stakeholder's culture) and will work collaboratively with those from diverse backgrounds to ensure services are rendered with cultural competence. Social justice-informed also refers to tending to larger systemic social inequalities (issues related to power and privilege) that can manifest during the rendering of services, which may also be appropriately addressed in order to ensure fairness and equality, increase awareness, strengthen relationships and enhance services.