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Mental Health Consulting


Mental Health Consultanting

Mental Health Consulting is a service offered to organizations who desire to become more trauma-informed.  Trauma informed organizations seek to reduce the impact of trauma and traumatic stress for its staff through consultation which includes psycho-education of the various aspects of trauma; trauma's impact on the body, working relationships and company culture.  Consulting uses systemic thinking which strives to impact company culture at all levels, reducing toxic and traumatic  stress and increase socio-emotional safety and overall company productivity.  

About Your Consultant

Bryan P. Range

I am a doctoral student at the University of Iowa.  I anticipate completing my doctoral degree in May 2023 and currently ABD; all but dissertation.  I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) in Iowa & Illinois, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), Certified Family Trauma Professional (CFTP), and I'm also Applied Suicide and Intervention Skills Trained (ASIST).  I am a Certified Divorce Mediator and a Collaborative Law Coach and a Childcare Specialist.   My specialization on trauma provided clients with the latest and up-to-date knowledge on neuroscience and evidence based approaches.   

The Brain on Trauma 

Help your organization understand trauma, how it impacts the brain, work relationships and company culture.  This consultation is meant to unify the organization on a common set of general democratic values and goals to reduce stress and provide a pathway forward.

Executive Consulting

Looking for a more intimate and informal but highly informational and productive meeting?  Executive consulting is for your organizations most senior members to dive into the practicality of addressing mental health and trauma in the workplace. 

Trauma Organized 

What's the problem?  What is the organization's as whole dealing with?  A unified agreement to an organization issues is key in moving forward.  This consultation is designed to assist with just that while reasserting organizational hierarchy as well as defining workplace specific problems and goals.

Team Consulting

Teams within an organization can use specialized consultation to address discontinuity in their working relationships.  

Individual & Dyadic Consulting 

Individuals or specific relationships may need help navigating conflicts and disequilibrium.  

© 2018 B.P.R. Services

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