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Divorce Mediation & Collaborative Law Services

The Trauma-Informed Non-adversarial Way to Divorce

Divorce Mediation

If you are going to get divorced, at least do it on your terms.  Divorce mediation is far more beneficial than the more adversarial traditional litigation process.  The traditional court process often results in a winner and a loser and can be traumatic, taking an emotional, psychological and financial toll on you and your loved ones.  Divorce mediation puts more power and opportunity into your hands which allows you to work out agreements and understandings that is highly impacted by the uniqueness of your life.  Imagine contributing to a conversation that can take into account the subtleties of what's in the best interest of you and your children.  Don't let a stranger (a Judge) make major life decisions that has the potential to impact you for the rest of your life.

Collaborative Law Coach

 A collaborative law coach is a licensed mental health professional who assists with communication, emotional processing, conflict management skills, child development, relational dynamics, and co-parenting techniques. The Coach’s role on the collaborative team is to help participants prioritize their concerns, process their feelings and differences in healthy ways, stay focused on their goals by neutralizing or minimizing destructive emotions, communicate effectively with each other, with their lawyers, and with their children, and provide them with tools for positive co-parenting in their post-separation lives.  The Coach assists the parties to move through this difficult life change with dignity, respect, mutual understanding, concern for their children’s welfare, and hope for their own futures.  More information can be found at the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) website. 

Collaborative Law Child Specialist

A Child Specialist is a mental health professional trained in human and child development that advocates for the well-being and needs of the child/children of the divorcing parents.  A Child Specialist meets one-on-one with your child(ren) and is their voice during meetings.  In addition, the Child Specialist expertise helps to safe guard the well-being of your child(ren) and is knowledgeable regarding child development.  The Child Specialist works to understand the unique needs of your child(ren) and insure their needs are brought to the table.   The Child Specialist helps to keep the child(ren) out of the middle and help to educate parents on ways to prevent such scenarios.   Children can be often torn, confused and traumatized during the divorce process and a Child Specialist can serve as a safety net for children.  

Civil Mediation

Civil mediation is for two or more parties (friends, neighbors, or someone you have a contract with such as a tenant, business partner or landlord) that are in conflict. Civil mediation helps to clarify the issue(s) between those involved and establish win-win situations.

Family Mediation

Family mediation provides an impartial third party for families members in conflict. It helps families to clarify what the issue(s) are and establishes working solutions that are mutually agreed upon by all participants. Issues may range from a disagreement on daily household conflicts to long-standing conflicts such as infidelity.

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